Zones? Engines? Regulated? What?
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Open to ALL Foster Parents, Kinship Caregivers, Out of Care Options, Adoptive Parents, and Resource Social Workers Island Wide.
Workshop details:
Everyone is talking about regulating this, regulating that, co-regulation, self-regulation, zones of regulations, how does your engine run, mindfulness, poly-vagal theory…confused yet? The focus on Self-Regulation is everywhere, schools, day-cares, work, community centres, newspapers, internet, parents. There are so many different approaches, theories and styles. Trying to make sense of it all can be dys-regulating. In this workshop, the core princi-ples of these approaches will be explored to help you make sense of the different approaches. As you start to see how they all overlap and interact, we will explore ways to make it work for you and your loved ones.
During this workshop we will:
* define regulation and how it evolves
* review regulation programs such as Zones of Regulation and The Alert Program
* look at interoception, self awareness and mindfulness
* review how the nervous system, survival responses, and stress impact regulation
* explore different regulation theories and approaches
* share strategies and ideas to aid in developing regulation awareness and skills
* investigate templates for making various regulation speedometers
David Beagley is an Occupational Therapist with over 35 years of working with children, teens, families, adults, schools, and agencies. He works full time with children, youth and families in pediatric Mental Health. He also has a trauma in-formed private O.T. practice, is a certified Safe Sound Protocol Practitioner, an endorsed Health Rhythms facilitator, and a registered ASIST trainer. He is a husband, father, step-dad, heart-dad, and foster parent.