Happy Foster Family Month!
Originally proclaimed as Foster Family Week in October 1990, Foster Family Month is an opportunity to recognize foster families and the work they do across B.C.
Foster families come in all shapes, sizes, and configurations. But they have something in common. When they see a need in their community,
they don’t say, “Oh, that’s too bad. Somebody should do something.” They become the somebody, they do the something.
If you are a foster caregiver, we know some things about you…
You don’t foster because you are exceptional, you are exceptional because you foster.
You have been misjudged, criticized, and undervalued. In one day.
You have been praised, thanked, and acknowledged. In one day.
Like the TARDIS, your heart is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.
You wish people who make movies and tv shows would stop portraying foster children as serial killers, drug addicts, or homeless throwaways.
You make the children and youth in your home a promise that they will have a safe place to sleep, acceptance on their best and worst days, clean,
warm clothing and something to eat every day, and that they are worthy of being loved. Always, and without conditions.
Your Inner Mamma Bear (which both moms and dads can have) is fearless, unrelenting, and ready to protect your cubs from all threats.
You can be inspired and discouraged, wise and foolish, patient and prickly, and tired. In one day. But mostly tired.
If you had to choose right now between a new car and an afternoon alone that included a bubble bath and a nap, you aren’t sure which you’d choose.
The Board and Staff of FPSS Society offers its deepest appreciation for the foster caregivers across Vancouver Island who go all-in to support
children and youth at a difficult time in their lives. Thank you for your bravery, patience, compassion, commitment, and understanding.
Thank you for the sense of belonging you give the children and youth who come to you frightened, angry, and hurting.
Never forget that even when you can’t see it, you are planting seeds of hope, courage, and comfort that will provide roots of strength and branches of possibilities.
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