Empowered to Connect Parenting Training course
Empowered to Connect (ETC) Parenting Training course
Mondays, January 7th to March 11th, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
(no class February 18th)
FPSS Society, 145-735 Goldstream Avenue
This is an in-depth interactive learning experience designed specifically for caregivers, adoptive parents and professionals working with children who have experienced trauma. The ETC Parent training delves deep into the Trust-Based Relational Intervention model developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and her colleagues at the TCU Institute of Child Development. It teaches skills needed to build a foundation of connection, understanding the child’s history, examining our own history and what we bring to the relationship, and recognizing the needs of the whole child. These classes are also a great way to connect with social workers and caregivers building peer and professional relationships. Participants will meet with the same group one evening a week for nine weeks to share insights, learnings, and struggles. Classes are simulcast with facilitated in-class discussion before and after the module delivery. This intense course involves homework and reading and practical application of the learning. The strategies used are adaptable for children and youth of all ages.
We ran this training in Duncan with 28 people attending. Participants expressed this was the best training they have received and that actually gives strategies to use that week with the children and youth in your home.
There is a small fee of $25 to attend the course, as well as participants are required to purchase resource materials on the attached list.
To register, please contact Janet Christie at 778-430-5459 or sicoord@fpsss.com
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