Foster Family Month 2018


HAPPY FOSTER FAMILY MONTH! October is Foster Family Month! There are 1,000 children and youth on Vancouver Island who need a temporary home, a safe haven where they can stay while they and their families heal and become strong again. We thank foster families for providing a caring and compassionate [...]

Foster Family Month 20182018-10-02T09:37:39-07:00

Orange Shirt Day 2018


Orange Shirt Day 2018 Orange Shirt DaySunday, September 30th, 2018 Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, BC, Canada, in the spring of 2013. It grew out of Phyllis' story of having her shiny new orange shirt taken away on her first [...]

Orange Shirt Day 20182018-10-01T15:42:53-07:00
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