Social Worker Appreciation Week 2016
“I welcome you to a community of people who have decided that easy will no longer suffice.” – Mark Rippetoe
In March of each year, social workers throughout the country celebrate National Social Work Month (NSWM) in recognition of the contributions of social workers to society. The theme adopted by the CASW Board for the 2016 National Social Work Month celebrations is Social Work: Profession of Choice.
Social work is a profession concerned with helping individuals, families, groups and communities to enhance their individual and collective well-being… Human rights and social justice are the philosophical underpinnings of social work practice. The uniqueness of social work practice is in the blend of some particular values, knowledge and skills, including the use of relationship as the basis of all interventions and respect for the client’s choice and involvement.
The Board and Staff of FPSS Society, along with all Vancouver Island caregivers celebrate the social workers who give their time, their expertise, and their hearts to improve the lives of children in care. Thank you for providing the resources, support, and information that allow foster parents to create safe homes and knowledgeable care to vulnerable children.
“You were born with the ability to change someone’s life. Don’t ever waste that.”
Thank you,
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